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New York Will Stop Suspending Driver Licenses Over Unpaid Fines

rolled up newspaper with headline: "Changes in legislation"

Between January 2016 and April 2018, New York issued nearly 1.7 million license suspensions related to traffic debt, and the suspensions had a disproportionate effect on people of color.

Starting March 31, 2021, the Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act (Assembly Bill A7463B) will let drivers who cannot afford to pay traffic fines in a lump sum pay in installments to avoid suspended licenses. Further, the law will reinstate the licenses of people who currently have suspended licenses due to non-payment of traffic fines.

Decriminalizing Poverty

Lawmakers call the Driver’s License Suspension Reform Acta huge win that decriminalizes poverty and will give hope and opportunity to drivers across New York State.” Still, drivers who fail to appear in traffic court hearings will have their license suspended after 2 notifications.

The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles reminds motorists that this change does not absolve drivers of paying their fines and surcharges. Although license suspensions will not occur as a result of failure to pay, fines and surcharges must still be paid. Additionally, suspensions for failure to appear and answer traffic tickets will still occur.

What Does the Driver’s License Suspension Reform Act Mean for Me?

If you had your license suspended due to nonpayment of fines, you can create a payment plan to have it reinstated. If you get a traffic ticket, you will not face license suspension due to your inability to pay — as long as you appear in court to answer your traffic ticket.

At Gannes & Musico, LLP, we understand how stressful it can be to appear in court and how fines can be overwhelming even with a payment plan. That’s why our traffic ticket lawyers stand by your side and help you fight your citation. In many cases, we keep our clients from being fined, suspended, or otherwise penalized by the New York State DMV. We have more than 30 years of legal experience and, on average, we secure about 60 “not guilty” verdicts per day.

Whether you’re not sure if you want to fight your traffic ticket or you need help dealing with a court appearance, we offer free consultations to help you understand ALL your legal options.

Call us at (877) 803-2603 or contact us online to let our lawyers fight your ticket.