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Cabbies Buckle Up


New York City boasts one of the largest collections of taxi cab services in the country. Thousands of people use taxis as an easy and convenient means of transportation every day. While laws have required drivers and passengers of private passenger vehicles to buckle up since the 1980s, bus drivers, as well as taxi drivers, have been able to operate their vehicles without wearing a seat belt. Now, that is about to change.

Recently, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill that will change the taxi cab system dramatically. The bill will require taxi drivers in the state of New York to wear seat belts while driving. The reasoning behind this new law is that drivers of taxi cabs are in as much danger as drivers of passenger vehicles in an accident, and that they should be protected just like everyone else. Furthermore, black car drivers, including Uber & Lyft drivers, have been required to wear seat belts since 2011. Thus, this new bill seems to bring the taxi system up to date with the rest of the nation’s driving system.

What This Could Mean for Taxi Drivers

However, some backlash has occurred due to the bill. Taxi cab drivers argue that wearing a seat belt slows them down. In order to receive payment for their services, they often have to move around on their seat to get cash transactions. However, if they are forced to wear seat belts, they will need to unbuckle after every stop, making their job more difficult. Opponents of the bill have also voiced fears of economic loss for taxi drivers. Time will tell what effect the pros and cons of this new bill will have on New York’s taxi cab system. Taxi drivers who are found violating the new law will be cited with a traffic ticket and will face fines of up to $100.

Call Our New York City Traffic Ticket Attorney Today at (877) 803-2603

At Gannes & Musico, LLP, we represent clients charged with traffic violations. If you have been pulled over and cited for a traffic offense, our firm can help. We have represented clients charged with speeding, texting while driving, making unsafe lane changes, failing to yield, and many other violations. Our firm can conduct a thorough investigation into the matter, determine an effective legal strategy, and tenaciously uphold your rights every step of the way. With a thorough and up-to-date knowledge of federal and state traffic laws, our New York City traffic ticket lawyers can diligently represent you.

Contact our firmtoday to discuss your case with one of our knowledgeable legal advocates. We offer free case evaluationsto all prospective clients.
